Grobots Wiki

You can download Grobots from Sourceforge. This page links to the download resources and serves as an installation guide to supplement the original, as well as hopefully being updated more often.


Grobots is free software distributed under the GNU General Public License. It's written in C++ and can be built on several platforms. The current working builds are:

  • Mac OS X. If you're a new user, get the starter kit, which includes some sides and a copy of the documentation. (This runs on both PPC and x86.)
  • Windows. If you're a new user, get the starter kit, which includes some sides.
  • Windows Headless. This has no GUI, but it can run tournaments.
  • Linux x86 Headless (168 KB). This may be useful for people with fast Linux machines and slow other ones, to run tournaments. You can't learn the game with just headless, though.